Monday, April 27, 2009


invitation- a request (spoken or written) to participate or be present or take part in something.

On my kitchen counter lies a small stack of birthday invitations for my daughter. When she sees her name on the envelope she can't help but jump up and down with glee. I still feel slightly giddy when someone wants to include me, don't you? The fact that I came to that individual's mind, and was included on the list of names, makes me feel wonderful.

Are there moms around you that would benefit from an invite? I chat with so many moms at the park or the mall playground. I don't have to allow that conversation to be the last one I have with them. What would happen if we requested their presence, and that of their children in our home, the local coffee shop, or even a nearby MOPS ministry? Some may say, "No thanks." But for others, I imagine we might see their countenance light up, as hope of a connection is made. You may be surprised at how quickly their RSVP is given. Your extension of friendship might be just what they need to rouse them out of the isolation that motherhood can bring.

If these wonderful moms have never been introduced to the Lord through his word (a written invitation), then our spoken invitation to connect with them could someday lead them to a God they don't even know yet.

I may be jumping ahead, but wouldn't it be wonderful if they someday trusted in the Lord because we were obedient and allowed Him to use us in the process? "In that day (and perhaps in our day) the people will proclaim, 'This is our God. We trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the Lord, in whom we trusted. Let us rejoice in the salvation he brings!" Isaiah 25:9-12 NL

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Barbara Johnson Quote

"We can never untangle all the woes in other people's lives. We can't produce miracles overnight. But we can bring a cup of cool water to a thirsty soul, or a scoop of laughter to a lonely heart."

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Frayed In A Good Way

I received a new bible recently, and although I was excited, I was slightly wistful as well. My Student NIV Bible was given to me in elementary school by my parents. Now twenty two years later it is looking a little worse for wear.

The last name imprinted on the burgundy cover has been different for eleven years. There are pressed pansies, and bubble gum wrappers that flutter from the pages at random times. I'm sure it's been used as a coaster on occasion, or to prod an unsuspecting High School crush that I had.

Amid the drama of the teen years until now, I have cracked open the pages seeking for the Lord's wisdom and strength. I have delved into the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, to ward off the spiritual attacks of the evil one. It's the best weapon during an onslaught of temptation.

So many verses are highlighted with the name of a friend, a worship song, or even a smiley face in the margin. Looking at the scribbled and dog eared pages reminds me again of the faithfulness of the Lord.

My new bible represents a new stage in my faith, and it makes me excited. He wraps His arm around my shoulder and guides me in His ways. He desires me to be obedient, and I know I can find refuge in His truth.

Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always. 1 Chronicles 16:11

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Vicky Beeching - Captivated


Remember when our children were infants and would stare at a light without blinking. We thought they would be blinded because they had a hard time looking away.

I want to be so captivated by the Lord that my gaze becomes attached to Him, and Him alone. " Let my life be one unbroken gaze fixed upon the beauty of your face." -Vicky Beeching

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring In The Neighbors Yard

In sunny California the earth is announcing loudly that Spring is indeed here. The sunsets are vivid, and the mornings reveal more blooming things. Since the sun sets later I find that my bare feet wander to the neighbors front yard many evenings. Conversation flows freely until I hear the timer through my open window telling me that dinner is ready. The turkey surprise casserole then sits on the stove top and gets cold, because the laughter of the neighbor kids entices me back outside.

Dusk approaches, causing sunglasses to be pushed back, and biting insects to wake up. My bare feet get colder in the grass, and I swat at mosquitos, but still I linger.

This season seems to coax me out of the recliner and onto the porch. A connection is made as I cross the street or lawn, and extend God's love to the families that are right next door. Since Easter is drawing near, and a celebration of my living King is coming, maybe an invitation is in order.

"Life is much more fun and interesting in the neigbhors front yard than on our couch." Eric Bryant